V.M.L. Verniciatura Metalli Lecco S.r.l.

Powder Coating

Applicazione di verniciatura a polvere termoindurente e termoplastica
Robot automatizzato per verniciatura a polvere Produzione omogenea
Verniciatura a polvere per automotive Rivestimenti resistenti corrosione

Our extensive experience in the powder coating industry has enabled us to develop advanced multi-layer coatings that offer not only high corrosion resistance but also top-quality aesthetic finishes, thanks to collaborations with industry leaders in paint production.

These innovations allow us to ensure a low environmental impact due to the simple chemical composition of our paint products.

We apply a variety of thermosetting, thermoplastic, wrinkled and smooth coatings, with any required degree of gloss.
Additionally, to guarantee consistent production over time, we have implemented the use of high-tech automated robots that give excellent thickness uniformity and consistency throughout the production batch.

Target Sectors

V.M.L. Verniciatura Metalli Lecco S.r.l.

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